
Crop Meesho Shipping Labels Online free with One Click
Easily crop meesho labels online for free.

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Meesho shipping label crop Free

Are you struggling with manually adjusting your Meesho label, and want something that can change the labels for you? You have come to the right place because here we will provide details about the Meesho Shipping Label Crop. But, before let us explain to you what is Meesho Label Crop Tool.

What is the Crop Meesho Label Tool?

The Meesho Shipping Label Crop is a tool that allows sellers on Meesho to edit and modify the product labels to ensure better alignments and clarity when the seller is selling the product online.
Cropping labels allows the sellers to design labels for their brands, ensuring clear, concise product details like logos and sizes are displayed, increasing product exposure, and providing clear explanations to customers. The Meesho Label Crop tools also enter the product’s SKU(Stock Keeping Out) and Quantity making the product identification much easier

Features of Meesho Shipping Label Crop Tool?

The following are the features of the Meesho Shipping Label Crop Tool.
1. Ensures clear, concise product details by removing unnecessary pages.
2. Allows users to design labels.
3. Enter the product’s SKU and Quantity.
4. Displays logos, sizes, and other necessary details.

Steps to Crop Meesho Shipping Label

Are you also struggling with adjusting unnecessary extra sheets of your Meesho product label, don’t worry we have compiled the following list of steps to crop the Meesho product label to ease your selling journey.
1. Go to your Meesho supplier account and sign in using your login credentials.
2. Now, move to the order section, to navigate your orders for which you want the labels.
3. Select the order, for which you want to generate the shipping labels
4. Click on generate label option, to generate the shipping label
5. After generating the label, now you can download it in PDF format
6. Now you use Iconic Tools Hub to crop Meesho labels to specific dimensions. Upload the PDF, adjust the crop area, and download the cropped label. Print and use the new label.